Hioki 3334


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SKU: MCT_88166399 Category: Tag:

Basic specifications (Accuracy guaranteed for 3years) Measurement lines Single-phase/ two-wires Measurement items Voltage, Current, Active power, Apparent power, Power factor, Frequency, Integration (current, active power), Waveform peak (voltage and current) Measurement ranges [Voltage] AC/DC 15.000/30.00/150.00/300.0V [Current] AC/DC 100.00/300.0 mA, 1.0000/3.000/10.000/30.00A [Power] 1.5000 W?9.000 kW (combination of voltage and current ranges) Integration measurement Integration time up to 10,000 hours [Current] No.of displayed digits: 6 digits (from 0.00000mAh, Polarity-independent integration and Sum value) [Active power] No.of displayed digits: 6 digits (from 0.00000mWh, Polarity-independent integration and Sum value) Input resistance 2.4MO for voltage, 10mO or better for current, (50/60 Hz, direct input) Basic accuracy ±0.1%rdg. ±0.2%f.s. (DC), ±0.1%rdg. ±0.1%f.s. (45Hz to 66Hz) Note: Provided accuracy of 1 Year, typical value Display refresh rate 5 times per second Frequency characteristics DC, 45Hz to 5kHz Waveform output Parameter output representation: voltage, current and active power (3 simultaneous channels), Output voltage: 1V DC f.s. (D/A output) Parameter output representation: voltage, current active power and selected 1 item (4 simultaneous channels), Selected 1 item from apparent power, power factor, current integration, active power integration, Output voltage: ±2V DC f.s. Functions Rectification method switchable between AC DC (True RMS), DC (simple average), AC (True RMS), Wave peak measurement, VT or CT ratio settings, Average function Power consumption 100V to 240V AC, 50/60Hz, 20VA max. Dimensions and mass 210 (8.27in) W × 100 (3.94in) H × 245 (9.65in) D mm, 2.5kg (88.2oz) > Each Unit Includes Power Cord

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